A manager’s toolkit must include the skill of ‘delegation’. Delegation requires a manager to be self-aware, be cognizant of the team members’ skill/capability both of which are vital to achieving the client/business needs.
Delegation is the opposite of micromanagement. We discussed the pitfalls of working with a micromanager and even being a micromanager.
Why doesn’t a manager delegate easily? Because the manager…
- Fears losing control
- Fears the outcome may actually be better than expected and that hurts the ego
- Feels he/she can do the job better than the team member
- Doesn’t understand the art of delegation
- Enjoys stress and working 20 hour days!
- Loves the limelight and cannot share…
Whichever answer you choose… It’s RIGHT but WRONG!! You know what I mean?!
The beauty of delegation is:
A- Having more time for you and what’s wrong with that? You get to think and sort out other pressing matters
B- You practise a time management skill. Of the four Ds you practise one which is D for delegation (read about the other three Ds here)
C- You use your team member’s skill. The outcome- you have a great output and he/she is happy.
D – You build skills which help in succession planning
Some tips to sharpen your delegation skills:-
1- If you feel a team member is unable to do the job then send them for an up skilling course. Don’t micromanage
2- If you don’t know ‘how to delegate’ then sign up for a course
3- Don’t fear delegating without trying first
4- By delegating, you will only inspire more people and engage with them
5- At the end of the day at work, it is all about meeting and exceeding your KPIs and that cannot happen when you do everyone else’s work. So
6- It is very important to learn to delegate for your sanity and that of your employees. There are only advantages when you delegate.
Can you delegate?