Whatever your reason it’s important to always start a new job as if it is your first. You owe it to yourself and your organization. In a way a new job is like your first job. It’s a new office location probably, new desk, new colleagues, new boss and a new email client!
Funnily enough, of all the new things a new email client has always concerned me. Going from outlook to lotus notes to GroupWise (a client I don’t like at all!)
Anyway, moving on…a new job is always exciting! Everything is new and therefore the situation presents itself with an opportunity to prove yourself, experiment and work with possibly an awesome boss who gives you enough leeway to do things your way!
So when moving to a new job remember: –
1- Do your homework about the organization you are joining. Read especially about the function and department you are going to be part of. Understand how and why it’s important to the organization ‘s success
2- Don’t judge people and draw conclusions about them on the very first day. Give it time. The person you didn’t like on day one can go on to become your best friend
3- Study the work culture around you. Is there more email communication than face-to-face communication? Follow this norm for the first few weeks at least!
4- You can follow the norm but don’t sit late at work because everyone else is! It will become a habit. Set your trend early on so your boss and colleagues know what to expect from you
5- And importantly don’t gossip or b#%*h about the boss. It can land you in trouble. There are plenty of backstabbers around…
Good Luck on your new job!