The spirit of curiosity & Teaching in the 21st century: Teachers 2.0

, November 5, 2018, 0 Comments

teachers-2.0-teaching-marketexpress-inTeaching in the 21st century is a challenge for most professionals. We live in the age of information overload. Information, data and knowledge is available to students at the tip of their fingers. Teachers are expected to play the role of mentors providing students with perspective and training them in analytical skills.

In this modern, digital age, teachers need to be flexible and be able to adapt to whatever is thrown their way. New technologies are developed every day that can change the way students learn, and the way teachers teach. Likewise, administrators are changing and updating expectations and learning standards.

Being able to communicate with not only your students but with parents and staff is an essential skill. Part of being a teacher is being able to work together as part of a team or a group. When you work together as a team, it provides students with a better chance to learn and have fun.

The most effective tool a teacher can use is their imagination. Teachers need to be creative and think of unique ways to keep their students engaged in learning. An effective teacher is a mentor and knows how to guide her students in the right direction. She leads by example and is a good role model.
This 21st-century, modern teaching skill is definitely a new one.

In this digital age most, if not all, teachers are online, which means they have an “Online reputation.” Modern teachers need to know how to manage their online reputation and which social networks are OK for them to be on. LinkedIn is a professional social network to connect with colleagues, but Snapchat or any other social networking site where students visit, is probably not a good idea.

Social media sites like Facebook, Quora, Twitter, Blogs and tools like Skype and wikinews can also become effective tools to enhance the teaching process. While Facebook is a social utility that can connect you with friends as well as with students, you can also use this tool to bookmark Web sites and specific Internet pages.

The teacher must encourage his or her students to inculcate the spirit of curiosity. For example students must be encouraged to consume traditional or new media. Sparing time to conduct class quizzes and giving simple rewards at the end of the quiz may spark interest in students. Allowing students to question themselves, their teachers and fellow classmates is an important requirement.

The teacher must have the ability to become story tellers and create interest with help of anecdotes and stories in the subject. We need to abandon power point presentations and structured lectures at times to achieve our goals. Thus in the digital age also Teachers must be leaders with passion and commitment.