"Employee" tag

Self Empowering Tool: Pygmalion & Galatea Effect for Performance enhancement

Psychological influence motivates performance improvement. Pygmalion effect is a phenomenon wherein, high expectations are pronounced overtly, and placed upon people to improve their performances. On the other hand, lowered expectations may also lead to decreased...


Workplace feedback doesn’t have to crush you

It’s the day before your yearly work evaluation and you’ve already stress-sweat through three shirts. Why? Uncomfortable for your boss and uncomfortable for you, workplace feedback is often associated with the classic dread one experiences before...

Appraisal: Your boss doesn’t know what you do

I had been working at Best Buy for a few years before the “self-review” portion of the annual appraisal was implemented. It gives employees the opportunity to share what they’ve accomplished over the course of...

Why the “Rock Star” should not necessarily be the next supervisor

We all know the employee who consistently performs at a high level in their job.  They out-produce their peers, come in early, stay late and pick up the slack when needed. I’ve heard these types...