"PR" tag

Boost your social media brand through dedicated offline PR activity/media coverage

Are you planning to curate digital and social media campaigns to create brand awareness, enhance brand recall, generate leads and enhance customer experience without capturing the vast offline space? To put it simply- it is...


‘Law of The Few’: The people who move the world

The holy grail for organizations’ PR & communications teams in today’s mind bogglingly competitive landscape would be that one idea that can catapult their brand into the big league. Any number of books and articles...


Importance of PR and IR in IPO communications

The success of an initial public offering ( IPO ) depends on a number of factors or elements. It is common knowledge, at least among market intermediaries, that the best time to hit the market...


Is PR a revenue generator tool for your company?

Public Relations (PR)- a practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organisation and the public-is not directly connected with sales. The conversion of good public relations (PR) to money is...