"VC" tag

The Conundrum of Private Equity Funding Landscape

The funding landscape, especially the Private Equity (PE-VC) money, is concentrated in certain industry segment pockets that is defined by the asset size – asset light, asset medium and asset heavy – as well as...


Peter Thiel: Early Facebook investor to leave Meta board

An increasingly polarizing figure in the company, Silicon Valley billionaire and Trump advisor Peter Thiel is set to step down from the board of directors of Facebook’s parent company Meta. Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel...


Here’s why Silicon Valley is in California, not in Germany

The future is being invented in California, not in Germany. An entrepreneur and a VC who work in both places say the reasons for this are deep-rooted and will be very difficult to overcome —...

San Francisco's : End of housing bubble-MarketExpress

The Untimely End Of San Francisco’s Tech And Housing Bubbles

In our neck of the woods, Vinod Khosla is currently most notorious for trying to boot people off Martins Beach, across the coastal mountains from Silicon Valley. Californians love their beaches, even if the water is...

Solo founders- MarketExpress

A Solo founders manifesto

I can be successful, alone. They will recognize that the journey lifetime begins with one step. One person can make a change. I believe the stereotypes of solo founders are a huge risk are false. I refuse to believe...

Slow n Committed vs. Fast n Apathetic Investors - MarketExpress

Entrepreneur choice : Slow n committed vs Fast n apathetic Investors

Another day, another debate. This time it was Ravi Gururaj, Raj Chinai and Rajan Anandan vs. yours truly. Lets have a twitter debate copying @rajananandan and @ravigururaj as well on your thoughts. The debate is...