Pichkaari – Designs go a step further

, November 20, 2013, 1 Comments

Vikas Jaiswal  is the Co-founder of Pichkaari – Design Studio, which provides design solutions in the area of Corporate Communication.

Profiles  - Pichkaari Snapshot  -  MarketExpress

Profiles Vikas Jaiswal  - MarketExpress


Name: Vikas Jaiswal

Role and company: Co-Founder,  Pichkaari

Employee numbers: 5

Tell me about your Start-up and Key peoples:
Pichkaari, as the name goes, is a young, vibrant and colourful design studio. We cover and colour everything related to corporate branding, promotions, employee engagement, corporate communication and retail merchandise.
As far as our team goes we are a square. 4 main corners holding the Pichkaari. We have Vikas, the guy who will be meeting you over a cup of coffee. His sharp eyes for detail makes our designs rock. Sebastian who loves to doodle and can be caught at the scribble pad and pencil at any time. Priyanka, who has a great sense of colors, adores illustrations and strong passion for typography.

What makes your company distinctive in design marketplace?
Design is a form of communication, but our designs go a step further. We connect in ways beyond words, phrases and images. We make connections with designs that teach, preach and celebrate moments. We use designs not for the sake of design, but to make communication effective and fun.

What’s the big vision for your business?
Our vision is in the visual. We would like to use our designs to color the world of corporate communications.

Aspirations of the company:
We are determined to wow corporates with our design abilities. Over next three years, we would like to break into top three corporate communication companies. We also have a retail division at Pichkaari which works in retail and education sector. We would like retail division to become a well-known and niche brand over next three years.

How is the industry evolving in these challenging times?
In this world of big brands and bigger bucks, what everyone is looking for is some relief. Pichkaari is a concept that breaks free and adds colour to everything everyday. The industry is looking for creativity in terms of everyday communication and Pichkaari is the solution.

What is the importance of communication in today social centric world and how effectively can one put things in perspective and achieve the desired result?
We are in an age where the communication barrier has far been dropped. However with evolving times, communication is getting more cluttered and less effective. Simplicity with a tinge of quirkiness is our way and its adds that extra element of e-communication where ‘e’ stands for electronic and emotional.

Profiles  - Pichkaari Team -  MarketExpress

Biggest challenges faced and what you learned from it:
Copyright infringement has always been the biggest challenge. Lets take a moment and appreciate how talented we are. Well we have created a stricter rule book and our guidelines are much more crisp and clear. Design studio that we are, we have drawn the line where we must. Pun intended.

How would others describe your leadership style?
We are a young bunch and we deal with work through a symbiotic leadership procedure. Equal share and equal care. It’s teamwork that matters, for at the end we all stand for Pichkaari.

What are your expansion plan and any fund raising plans?
Currently we are expanding our sales and design team. Right now we are a bootstrapped company. We plan to start looking for funding over next six months.