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"Strategy" tag

Cash Flow Based Funding: The Economic Dose of Vit.B12 to the MSMEs

MSMEs, as we all know, is the backbone of Indian economy (or for that matter any economy, globally) that, on an average, accounts for 37% of the GDP, 45% of the Manufacturing Output, 42% of...


Multiple Equilibria: Trend Followers or Contrarians in Stock Market

Exploring a special case of multiple equilibria, observed in the stock market, that is the interplay between the trend followers and the contrarians. There are two types of the multiplicity of equilibria, one originating from...


Demystifying The Organization’s Digital Transformation Journey

We live in a ‘Digital’ world, and Digital Technologies have become a part of our lives. Digital transformation is global in nature and utilizes digital technologies for internal operations and external functions. Digital Transformation has...


Long term focus of Big Pharma’s will change due to Coronavirus

Many leading pharmaceutical companies have focused on developing cancer medication. A fresh study by EY looks at whether some may find virus research an even more lucrative business model in the future. A study published...


Acquihire: the mantra to retain talent through restructuring

The world swirls every day with news about two things-merger and acquisition. These days another smart restructuring tactic of competitors is – acquihire. The term seems quite innovative and new, though there is much more...


Significance of the US-Korea Agreement

The US and South Korea struck an important agreement this week.  Many are recognizing it as the first success of President Trump’s trade strategy and a turning point in general.  It is being offered as an...


UK’s Brexit Strategy

The next round of UK-EU negotiations on the pending amputation will be held next week. The UK has issued a flurry of position papers that stake out its wish list. Last month, the EU told...


Yahoo : Case of strategic failure

In 1998, yahoo had the chance to buy Google for $1-2 Mn in its nascent years. They said Google’s PageRank ain’t worth the pennies. In 2002, Yahoo had the might to buy Google for $5...


Consequence-based Strategy and critical actions

Modern Businesses, especially established brands, get so caught up in the pressure of being competitive that they want to be agile and quick to respond to any situation in the public domain. So, they quite...


PWYW: A new pricing strategy – is it really new?

Pay what you want – PWYW – as it is called is a pricing strategy. It is a pricing model that lets customers decide how much they want to pay, including zero, for a particular...

Upside of Hedging - MarketExpress

Indian Banks and upside of hedging

In an ever-volatile environment, banks can have tremendous losses if they don’t hedge against the risks. Against the frequent changes of interest rates by the central bank, banks  are left with no choice but to...