"p2p" tag

Millions of Kenyans indebted to mobile app lenders

Loans through mobile apps have skyrocketed in Kenya. While this fintech industry provides easy-to-access credits, it has become a nightmare. Experts fear the largely unregulated market could lead to a credit crisis. James Wachira is...

Evolving Customer Engagement, P2P Marketing and Its Huge Scope in India

Customer engagement has always been recognized as an important and meaningful marketing goal and brings a high level of sales, profit and brand equity to a company. Customer engagement has evolved over a period of...


China’s peer-to-peer lenders face crisis, investors face ruin

A major upheaval is underway in China’s peer-to-peer (P2P) finance sector after numerous cases of fraud and negligence. As loans helped finance cars and property, could the crisis worsen the country’s economic slowdown? It’s not...