Saptarshi Basu

Emerging Trends of Radicalism in the Urban Youth

“If we fail to weed out the streaks of intolerance in our midst, we do so at our own peril”  Writing about the strands of radicalism in crises-ridden, post-Versailles Germany, Erich Koch-Weser, the leader of...

Big-Box Retail – Really the pallbearer of doom for local industry & commerce?

Earlier, I have touched upon a few ‘enablers’ that retailers would expect to be in place – added to it are larger questions around the lack of clean, effective and accountable governance that is not...

What should foreign retailers do to crack the Indian market?

Firstly, foreign retailers should be judicious in selecting the markets that they want to build their base in and operate out of. India is a huge country with large disparities in prosperity, governance standards and...

FDI in Retail – when it comes to organized retail, how different is India?

If  I were to distill the key enablers which retailers in the West have built their businesses upon, the following stand out: Vast open spaces to set up huge, stand-alone hypermarkets with millions of SKUs....

FDI in Retail – A Bane or A Boon?

Recently, the entire political establishment was bitterly divided on the issue of allowing greater than 50% FDI in retail. Almost 2 parliament sessions were wasted and a lot of public posturing was undertaken by leaders...

Using Business Intelligence to Differentiate Your Online Retail Brand

What comes to your mind when you hear ‘online retail’? Low prices? Shopping from the comforts of home? Reliable delivery of quality products and services? A booming sector with tremendous opportunities? All of the above?...