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"cloud" tag
SMAC Social Mobility Analytics Cloud-MarketExpress

SMAC – Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud

SMAC – Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud, is the buzz-word of todays. Until one-two years ago Cloud was big, which now just seems like yet another available device or medium to access, store and compute...

Data security under a growing, dark Cloud

Storing data in the Cloud means you can access it from anywhere – and hackers can access it, too. But the growing enthusiasm for cloud computing has overshadowed the risks. As with many technology developments,...


NTT Com to Expand Cloud based Enterprise Network Service Globally

TECHNOLOGY- NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced on September 29 that Arcstar (TM) Universal One, which enables enterprises to rapidly deploy cloud-based networks on a reliable, scalable basis, will soon expand from Japan to 159 countries...