"Financial Market" tag

China gears up for Nasdaq-style tech market

More than 100 firms have applied to list on the STAR market, which is expected to channel billions to the tech sector. China’s past failures at creating its own Nasdaq are prompting some investors to...

A New Economic Crisis-MarketExpress

A new economic crisis?

Nervous financial markets, ineffectual interest rate increases, emerging market currencies under massive pressure: All because the US Federal Reserve reversed its monetary policy – or is that really the explanation? It was an intervention that...

Sound business reasons to drive deals in the US M&A markets

In the last week, some additional positive data points on the state of the US economy have emerged. US business spending on non defense capital goods recorded the largest gain since end 2011 and the...

Surge in US business confidence?. Early evidence from the M&A markets

A while ago (in 2011) I had written elsewhere about the record levels of cash that US incorporated multinationals are carrying on their balance sheets. A combination of good global franchises, strong cash flows and...