"personality" tag

What psychiatrists can learn from mice to treat depression

Scientists have developed a new way for measuring the personalities of animals. So why should we humans care? Because understanding personality traits is key for more individualized therapies in psychiatry. For the experiment, a research team...

Quiet is might and a good leader makes!

A leader in any context, whether political, organizational or a school prefect, leads, guides and supports us to perform and be successful. As a follower we have an image of the leader as someone who...

The factor that will make a difference to your work personality!

Communication is the lifeblood of a workplace. It is the mechanism to transfer information from senior management to employees (downward communication), employees to senior management (upward communication) and communication among colleagues (horizontal communication). Communication of...

Conflicting personalities-a reason for Workplace Conflict

Leaders can resolve workplace conflict by understanding the different personalities they work with. Understanding whether leaders work with a turtle, shark, fox, owl or teddy bear can lead to effective performance and higher employee engagement.A...