"Tumblr" tag

Social Media Marketing and its Future: An Opinion

Very recently, Rajdeep Sardesai, one of India’s well-known television journalists, disabled his Twitter account. He cited “concerted campaign of lies and abuse on a daily basis” being the reason for his action. This raises the...

Is Tumblr for all

Stylish, attractive and concise – Tumblr is a free blogging platform that is a hairline between WordPress’s mainstream blogging and Twitter’s micro blogging. Tumblr’s blogs are simply called tumblrs instead of blogs. With more focus...


Yahoo! to acquire blog site Tumblr for $1.1 billion

Yahoo! has reportedly decided to buy popular blogging website Tumblr. The move comes as CEO Melissa Mayer tries to breathe new life into the company. A day ahead of Yahoo!’s top secret press conference in...