The key to building a great team or startup not only depends on information but also relies on other factors such as experience, expertise, and professionalism.” Some may argue and claim that information is the...
Government and experts warn that Japanese people are not getting enough good quality sleep, risking health issues, irritation and a loss of focus at work. Japan’s ministry of health and welfare has called on the...
It’s the day before your yearly work evaluation and you’ve already stress-sweat through three shirts. Why? Uncomfortable for your boss and uncomfortable for you, workplace feedback is often associated with the classic dread one experiences before...
These words of the famous Pulitzer Prize Winner Playwright Tennessee Williams are a reflection of what our Gen Next employees believe when they walk into the world of work. During one of the rounds of brainstorming,...
Restoring our engagement levels clearly then becomes a matter of choice than accident. Once this responsibility is wholeheartedly owned, the next challenge lies in dealing with the frequent workplace toxicity encountered in the form of...
Are you losing it at your work? Do you see the workplace toxicity eating up your otherwise positive, passionate demeanor? Can you feel the slow poisonous movement from enthusiastic engagement to debilitating disengagement? If yes,...
Diversity is a loaded term. When it comes to expanding the horizons in corporate settings, we should be looking for “diversity in perspectives”. The tech community has demonstrated that it is at best confused about...
There is no escaping ‘stress’ today. Stress comes from all areas of life…work, home, relationships, loan companies, traffic jams and the list goes on…!!! The ill effects of bad stress are known to all. Being...
Workplace flexibility is a topic of extreme relevance in today’s workplace environment. Technological growth has brought about changes to the way we do business, more women and mothers have joined the workforce and work life...
Almost everyone in almost every setting; be it work, home or your friends circle knows of a manipulator and a backstabber. These people are cowards who want you take the risks and only step in...
These days we often hear the word ‘stress’ in all walks of life …media, medicine, books… A lot of companies have flourished developing stress management tools. Stress at the workplace is experienced by many and...
Workplace conflict between teams, or individuals are sometimes unavoidable and it now becomes a leader’s responsibility to recognize the reasons for this conflict which could range from personality clashes to resistance to change introduced by...