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Made in India – The Syringe & Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020

, September 11, 2017, 1 Comments

The syringe, invented in 1853 by French veterinary surgeon Charles Gabriel Pravaz and Scottish doctor Alexander Wood is still serving as an essential tool of drug delivery system in health care sector. It’s reuse, and Needle Stick Injury (NSI) is consistently proving as a root cause in spreading dreadful diseases like HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, C etc. along with ever-growing hazardous biomedical waste. Presently, 16 billion injections are administered worldwide annually.

Conversation between Prathiba Rathore – Director, Rescitech Vision Pvt Ltd  and Ezilarsan PKP, Founder, MarketExpress – India’s First Global Insights & Analysis Sharing Platform.

Rescitech Vision team has invented “Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020” which can replace conventional syringe era that has been prevalent for over more than 150 years. Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020 consists of a frequently reusable injector and a safely disposable drug-cartridge containing a pre-fixed dose of injectable-drug sandwiched between piston-head and retractable needle. Neither of the two parts per se is the syringe, but constitutes an efficient, simple and user-friendly self-retractable safety syringe, when both parts are coupled together.

On completion of the injection process, the needle automatically retracts within empty drug-cartridge. The disposable drug cartridge, thus, provides a smart packaging technology for injectable drugs.futuristic-safe-injection-system-2020-marketexpress-in

Rescitech Vision team consist of five talented individuals
Pratibha Rathore -Director, New Technology Initiatives, Bharati Rathore -Research Scientist (Product Development), Jai Hind Rathore : Research Scientist (Visualizer & Prototyping), Dr. (Mrs) Neelam Rathore : Mentor, presently working as Medical Officer in a State Ayurvedic Hospital, Bareilly, Govt. of U. P and Dr. B. C. Rathore : Mentor,  Presently working as a Central Govt. Officer under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India.

Ezilarsan PKP: Your invention journey has been remarkable so far, could you highlight few things about it?

As discussed above the working of  Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020,  the costly retraction mechanism is embodied in a reusable injector. The cost keeps decreasing with each next injection procedure to become almost negligible in due course. So economical it becomes viable and sustainable in the long run, and the patient safety is taken care using a reusable injector and a safely disposable drug-cartridge.

The dreadful menace of unsafe syringes, wherein no syringe is required to inject the medicine in patient’s body and the drug may directly be transferred from manufacturing unit to the patient body avoiding all the risks or probabilities of contamination and over-dosage/under-dosage of medicines, ills of air bubbles, NSI etc.

The injector is provided with a LED indicator, which keeps vigil on the entire injection procedure and also illuminates the injection site to facilitate the injection during dark hours conveniently. Besides, the injector is also attachable with specially designed Fluid Collector to safely collect the fluids.

The whole system provides two variants of reusable injector and 18 variants of safely disposable drug-cartridge to meet various requirements under different operational situations. It is futuristic as well as versatile.

Greener & inclusive:

Our invention provides a cheapest, greener, sustainable, more efficient, faster, ergonomic, versatile, viable and inclusive technology to curb syringe-related problems by eliminating the syringe itself effectively.

It uses the conventional drug container, i.e. vial, ampoules etc. as a barrel of a syringe, whereas the costly retractable mechanism has been incorporated therein the frequently reusable injector.

This injection system shall prove far cheaper than the conventional syringe system because the end-user shall only be required to pay for the slightly enhanced (approximately 20-25%) packaging cost of injectable drugs instead of purchasing a syringe for every next dose.

Whereas the cost of injector frequently goes on decreasing with every next injection procedure to practically become almost negligible.

It is entirely compatible with WHO’s, FDA and NIOSH guidelines. It is capable of effectively preventing the risks of Needlestick Injuries (NSI), needle-reuse, counterfeit drugs, illicit drug abuse, contamination and wastage of expensive drugs.

It directly reduces 70-75% hazardous medical waste as 70-75% plastic material gets converted into hazardous medical waste, ultimately saving lives of millions without creating any technological divide.

The European Patent Office, while examining our International Patent Application (PCT/IB2016/051060) WO/2016/142799 has opined as follows:

“The technical effect of these features is that the injector is reusable while the only parts to be discarded are the needle hub and the medicament cartridge. As a result a cheaper and friendlier to the environment system is achieved without an increased risk of needle injuries.”

Recognition of our efforts:

Recently, our invention scored TOP 2nd position in the world among 225 inventions/projects submitted from various countries by securing more than 32000 global populous votes at #youforG20: Project of an Interconnected World, an initiative undertaken by Deutschland on the occasion of G-20 Summit-2017 at Hamburg.

It has also been shortlisted among few globally meritorious inventions in the first stage of ‘The First Mile Innovation Challenge’ by The Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech) of Massachusetts General Hospital in association with GE Sustainable Healthcare Solutions. CAMTech has also endorsed our invention as an effective solution to reduce the risk of needlestick on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day 2017.


Ezilarsan PKP:What are the challenges you are facing as of today?

We hope, you will realise that our original technology is a far smarter and the best fit, innovative answer to $500 million ‘Pharma glass project’ Mr Trump has just launched with an eventual investment of $4 billion for product and brand differentiation. Their entire focus is on just packaging material. On the contrary, Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020 is virtually a smart packaging technology for injectable drugs, which can change the ‘packaging paradigm’ to create visible product differentiation to protect the turf for the Brand.futuristic-safe-injection-system-2020-design-marketexpress-in

We are keeping our best efforts continued to achieve the technological monopoly over this ‘Make in India’ breakthrough worldwide to make India a manufacturing hub and sole exporter of this technology to save the lives of millions and simultaneously earn billions of dollars.

The patent filing and prosecution in foreign jurisdictions is a quite tedious, technical, lengthy as well as highly expensive task involving oppositions, litigations etc.

Nevertheless, we are trying hard to raise the requisite funds to secure patents in various potential PCT jurisdictions worldwide, particularly in IP-5 countries (i.e. USA, European Countries, China, Japan and South Korea), Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, OAPI, ARIPO etc. to commercialize our invention on global scale based on licensing model.

It is important to understand that in our case, we need not wait for the grant of a patent in any of the country. Instead, we may simultaneously initiate the licensing process during the pending prosecution being ‘patent pending’ technology soon after filing the patent applications.

We may well incur the risk of commercialization of our invention keeping in mind the highly encouraging International Search Authority Report issued by the world acclaimed best International Search Authority, the European Patent Office. It almost ensures the grant of Patent in European countries. Since all IP-5 countries have adopted International PPH convention (Patent Prosecution Highway), the other IP-5 countries are bound to grant patents accordingly on parity.

We have already filed patent applications in USA, Japan, China and India to secured Top 4 pharmaceutical markets with 65% of global market share. Besides, we are in the process of filing patent applications in other jurisdictions within the prescribed filing period, i.e. September 10th and October, 10th, 2017 depending on various PCT jurisdictional time limits.

Moreover, it is absolutely essential for us to keep continue R&D for further development and advancement of our technology to survive the fierce competition. We have already created the virtual prototype of our invention to ensure its feasibility.

Designing a pre-commercial prototype will further provide and strengthen our claim and generate the quintessential technical know-how of technology. It requires basic infrastructure, well-equipped laboratory, technical expertise etc., which is not possible to afford without necessary funds. We are exploring all possibilities as well as opportunities to overcome this critical hurdle.

Recently, on August 11th, 2017, the Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC India) has strongly endorsed our technology in following words:

“India’s ‘Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020’, is ready for industrial commercialization.

WHO’s Global Health Initiative for Needle Safety is urging countries to transition by 2020 to the exclusive use of the new “smart” syringes.

The ‘Make in India’ breakthrough can potentially make India become sole exporter of this smart indigenous technology to meet the domestic and international demands.”


Ezilarsan PKP: Talk about Rescitech Vision aspirations related to this invention – Futuristic safe Injection System-2020

Our innovation startup, Rescitech Vision mission is to accelerate the world’s transition towards sustainable and inclusive innovation growth by creating simple technologies with no technological divide.

It envisions the complete prevention of Needlestick Injury (NSI), needle/syringe reuse, hazardous medical waste, anti-microbial resistance, counterfeit drug, substance abuse etc. to reduce the Global Disease Burden as well as Global Health Burden.

Democratize healthcare system making it equally affordable and accessible to all; meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by multi fold benefits to health care system and fighting the grave challenges of the healthcare sector, which are adversely contributing to the Climate-Change.  We firmly aim to achieve the highest goal of securing a safe, healthy and dignified ‘Right to Life’ for all.

India is tenth largest pharma exporter worldwide with domestic pharma industry of $12bn (2015). The Indian Pharmaceuticals Industry (IPI) earns around 70 per cent of revenues from the sale of generic drugs and generates 50 per cent of its revenues from exports. But the export of injectable is weak due to increase in competition, regulatory issues faced by Indian pharma companies etc., which can overcome by utilising strategic innovation for smart packaging of injectable drugs.

Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020 is versatile, sustainable, inclusive and strategic innovative solution to fulfil the aim of ‘Pharma Vision 2020’ to make India the global leader in pharmaceutical markets by becoming sole exporter of this breakthrough technology worldwide popularising ‘Made in India’ generic injectable drugs worldwide.

The low-cost smart, innovative packaging technology will exponentially increase the domestic as well as export avenues due to its high reachability, affordability, sustainability and safety assurance. The smart packaging of injectable drugs in fixed dosage in our Drug-Cartridges will do a value addition to the finished products, which will strategically enhance the commercial as well as the export prospects of the product worldwide by increasing huge revenues, reputation, goodwill, and ultimately the brand value and brand India.

Recently, on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day-2017, the Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech) of Massachusetts General Hospital Global Health (MGH) has also endorsed our technology as an effective solution to reduce the risk of needlestick Injuries. We have also voluntarily offered a free of cost license to WHO, UNICEF and RED-CROSS to use our invention globally for the well-being of public as a whole, so that the ultimate benefits of  the invention may directly reach to the end-users in urgent need.futuristic-safe-injection-system-2020-camtech-marketexpress-in

We fervently expect and hope that the government, industries, NGOs, the medical fraternity will come forward with open heart and join us to support this ‘Make in India’ breakthrough and thereby save millions of lives.


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