Young people are lured to the cities with the promise of more money and entertainment. This in turn leaves traditional farms short of workers — and Japan potentially short of food. Keiko Ishii admits to...
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been shown to play an important role in promoting economic growth, raising a country’s technological level, and creating new employment in developing countries (Chaudhary, 2016). In the current scenario, when many countries are...
Global trade uncertainty as COVID-19 pandemic upends the global economy can lead to painful consequences across all sectors. As per the World Trade Organisation (WTO), global trade is expected to fall by between 13% and...
The topmost agenda and the much-needed attention from the Government today is addressing the farmers’ needs. In the recent years, crop failures, indebtedness, non-remunerative prices and low returns had taken, unpleasant shapes leading to protests...
India has a rising middle class and its aspirations to cater to. Amidst the high inflation, as the value of money reduces, where can an Indian find a bang for his buck? Equity markets have...