"Tech" tag

Women in tech: ‘The bias is real’

womenThe number of women on the tech startup scene is growing, and so is their frustration with sexist treatment. But that could be a good sign. It was the best of times, it was the...


Could tech layoffs spread to rest of US economy?

Silicon Valley firms are facing the music, cutting several hundred thousand jobs after years of incredible growth. Economists are divided over whether the US economy is heading for recession and soaring unemployment. First a trickle,...


In 2021, Big Tech may have finally gotten too big

A rapid uptake in tech has made living through a pandemic easier and safer. But regulators are starting to ask: at what cost? A new year is approaching and, thanks to the pandemic, brings with it...


Technology giants report mixed results in earnings release

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter released their earnings for the latest quarter on Thursday. Apple’s performance was the most disappointing in the group as earnings dipped on weakness in iPhone sales. Five big technology...


Nasdaq, “Tech,” & IPOs are in for Gut-Wrencher

Nasdaq down 24% already. Renaissance IPO ETF down 31%. But Uber and other unicorns are planning record IPOs in 2019, à la dotcom-crash-debut in 2000. The IPO hype machine has produced some very successful companies...


Tech startups – relevance of user experience

What makes tech startups succeed? Is it the idea, the features, ease of use, benefits or something else? Let us accept one fact upfront! Technology implementation is no longer difficult. The same set of features...


WeWork all over the world

The shared-office space startup WeWork wants to help its members “create a life, not just a living.” With a $17-billion valuation, investors seem to agree and help the project become a big success globally. When...


Tech Startups with a Service Model

The difference between a tech company and a services company is fast diminishing. I was talking to one of my friends running a travel & ticketing services firm from Bangalore. He said that he is...


“Tech” Malaise Pricks San Francisco Office Space Bubble

The rumored second round of layoffs at Twitter – which in 2011 was granted by the befuddled city of San Francisco the “Twitter tax break” on employment taxes – comes at a very inopportune moment...


Apple’s midlife crisis

The world’s most valuable company is celebrating its 40th birthday on April 1. But after years of success, is it stuck in a midlife crisis? Apple is in a period of upheaval, says Jens Korte...


Square, unicorns and the new tech bubble

Want to know why “everyone” is talking about unicorns, Jack Dorsey and a tech firm called Square? No, not Foursquare. Just Square. It’s debuted at the New York Stock Exchange and rocketed. Read on. To...

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Hot Air Hisses out of ‘ Advertising Tech ’ Startup Bubble

Internet advertising is hot. Everyone wants a slice of it. An entire “advertising technology” subculture has sprung up in San Francisco and elsewhere. There are hundreds of these startups, algorithm-driven middlemen and personal-data-gatherers, trying to...