The Balancing Act – professional and personal life

, August 24, 2012, 0 Comments

Professional and personal life is an extension of oneself. In day to day life, we come across situations that require us to adapt to meet the demands of the situation. Most often, we are coping up with situations rather than being in control of it. It is this coping up that creates internal strife, which is the root of all the discord within and hence outside.

Whenever we respect, care, have deep belonging to anything, we are most particular about it. We do everything possible to make it perfect. This brings about a natural sense of duty, responsibility towards it. This natural response further enhances our ability to assess situations, prioritize, plan and organize. Generally the conflict that comes with professional and personal life pertains to the choices we make and our ability to cope with those choices. Our ability to cope depends on our understanding of the situation, its demands, what needs to be done to accomplish it and actually doing it. Bringing about a balance in life requires knowledge of one’s abilities, duties, understanding the demand of the specific time, place and situation and most importantly having the discipline to fulfill ones responsibilities effectively and efficiently. Effortlessness in everything we do comes from our joyous and enthusiastic approach to it.

Our world is a reflection of our own state of being. When we are disturbed, confused, low, we find the world around us in a turbulent state, which in turn affects us and vice versa. When we are at peace and balanced, we are at our best. In order to find a balance in our outer world be it professional or personal, there has to be a balance within us. To find this balance within us, we must first know what this balance is, what causes the imbalance and how to attain to this balanced state.