But is that enough? Does the term “Health” embrace only the biological aspect of our existence? Interestingly World Health Organization defines Health as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Now the Physical aspect of this definition is well acknowledged, social aspect well attempted to. Can we say the same about the mental health aspect? Do we even think that mental health is a matter of conscious preservation, attainment and nurturing? The answer to this question, globally is sadly a NO.
Mental Health is the ability of an individual to cope with one’s life issues with resilience, courage and balance. It includes the inner strength to remain positive, emotionally stable and goal oriented in routine as well as critical states. While it does not mean a total control over all emotions and situations, it underlines the ability of an individual to moderate and adapt behavior in response to situational demands.
Every year 10th October is observed as the World Mental Health Day. The 2015 theme identified by the World Health Organization on this occasion is “Dignity in mental health”. This addresses the issue of stigma, management and inclusion of people with specific mental disorder. The ignorance and neglect are not limited only to illness but also clouds the aspect of healthy living. Is it not right, then, on this World Mental Health day to commit ourselves to a healthy mind in a healthy body? Let’s make the beginning with these steps:
Work on your strengths
If you have 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses which would you focus on? If you say your weaknesses, not your fault. We have grown with the people who believe that the essence of life is to work on weaknesses and overcoming them. But Markus Buckingham, the renowned consultant and motivational speaker, encourage us to focus on our strengths and create a playing field to leverage them for better results. This is a complete paradigm shift from “repair” to “reap” mode and helps us to appreciate ourselves for who we are and what we can accomplish in spite of our “work in progress” areas.
Protect your self esteem
If our self-esteem had a tag line, it would surely read, “If broken considered sold”. If we allow our self-esteem to be as fragile as glassware, anyone around us can play mischief and keep us on tenterhooks. Thus the key to a sound mind is a healthy acceptance of self and belief in one’s potential.
Find true friends
How many friends do you have on Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media platform? How many would you bank on during an actual crisis? He, who has true friends, is the wisest and the wealthiest soul on this earth. Connecting to the right set of friends ensures the most needed social safety net that helps us survive the slips and falls off the trapeze called life.
Create centers of meaning
Develop some hobbies and interests. Create centers of purpose and meaning in life other than work and family. Grant yourself that “me” time than will help you connect and befriend your own self. Keep the learning mode on. Enjoy the process. Never make happiness a slave at the hands of the outcome. After all, Ralph Waldo Emerson beautifully put -‘Life is a journey, not a destination.
Eat healthy and Exercise heartily
Exercising and eating well does not only assure a healthy body, but also a spiritual mind. The D3, B12 and thyroid levels in the body are as much responsible for the low and dull state as the tyrannical boss, the company and the economy. Take a balanced and a healthy diet. A regular exercise regime leads to a secretion of endorphins, which generates a positive perception of things and reduction in the perception of pain. So we can now rehash the old saying as “Eat, Exercise and be Merry”
Sleep Well
Most people in today’s urban society are sleep deprived. In fact, many boast of the ability to do with meager sleep and look at it as a competitive edge. Tony Schwartz, the CEO and founder of The Energy Project believes that a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep is a must for productive and healthy living.
Keep away from smoke and drink
The link between alcohol and mental disturbance is like a chicken and the egg story. It’s very difficult to trace who followed whom. Nevertheless the route is always headed to mild to severe mental difficulties depending on the degree of dependence. The best way is to say no to smoke and drink before they say no to healthy living.
Seek help
The final submission on this path of mental health preservation is to seek professional help without a sense of guilt and humiliation if and when necessary. Approaching a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist in case of psychological disturbances is not only our right but our responsibility. Do not flinch to seek help.
Thus to complete our title of this life story “What’s broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed….” All you need is… A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body.