But why is it that few people are often visibly self-confident and have strong self belief, while so many others are not ?
Here is why :
A general ongoing flow of resourceful emotions (often called ‘Positive emotions’) has a key role to play in this.
Consider two persons .
One person feels good about himself or herself, gets excited about goals or achievements, becomes curious about exploring, learning and is able to move on to “do” things , while the other person generally feels low, struggles day to day with fears, insecurities, painful memories, self-doubt, etc.
Who is more likely to be ‘more confident’ and ‘successful’ in life ?
The obvious answer is the first person.
Some who are in the latter group, may have learnt to fake confidence . They can certainly do it for short periods of time, but this faking and putting up a facade frequently is emotionally ( and often physically) draining, and adversely impacts wellbeing and relationships in the long run. So faking may not be the answer !
Feeling good about ourselves is strongly linked to our general sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
However most people who struggle with confidence and self-belief issues are not aware about this link.
What happens in our life, jobs, work, careers and even our relationships is dependent on how we feel generally, which depends on what drives us from deep within.
Behaviours and actions of others around us are just stimuli to the ‘contents in our inner world’.
In my professional and personal understanding, building this awareness is the critical first step.
Connecting with our deeper self, our subconscious to understand what happens inside us (feelings, thoughts), when and in what situations…and what is the true source/root cause of those happening is the key.
This observation and realization would help gain a better understanding of our life’s needs, drivers and the repeating patterns in life, which when addressed will help create opportunities for building self-worth, self respect and consequently, bring a feel good factor in life.
And this feel-good effect goes a long way in making us confident and successful in life…