Fossil fuel firms fearing that America will lose influence in shaping the global climate regime are urging Trump to keep a seat at the table. Climate activists can’t agree on whether it’s better to have...
India boasts of 7,500 kilometres long coastline, being one of the 20 places worldwide where the height of the high tide is over five metres higher than the low tide to capture the tidal power...
Total energy use in the European Union is slightly lower today than it was in 1990, but fossil fuels remain king, and dependency on fuel imports has grown. Climate and geopolitical risks have grown in...
The New India needs no coal. The Indian power industry saw a massive paradigm change over the last few years with renewable energy, particularly solar energy dominating the discourse around new generation. While King Coal...
This Government seems ambitious. The target is to achieve 100 GW of Solar powered energy by 2022. The current installed capacity of solar power in India is 5.8 GW. We are talking about adding about...
India became the 62nd country to ratify the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, committed to ensuring that at least 40% of its electricity be generated from renewable energy by 2030. The present Government has set...
Every global automaker is furiously working on a lineup of electric vehicles. Many of them already have a model in their showrooms. Billions are poured into it every year. Electric cars are cheaper and simpler...
Tall metal poles rise out of the fields, their rotary blades slowly turning breeze into electricity. That’s the picture that springs to mind when we think of wind energy. But what if you could make...
Australia is going to witness some of the largest product launches set to revolutionize the energy space globally. It has been predicted that solar+storage will become so cheap in the near future that it will...
Not wanting to be outdone by its richer western neighbor, Warsaw has said it plans to invest heavily in e-mobility. Europe’s biggest coal guzzler could do with a PR clean-up, but how realistic is the...
The leading tech giant Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) is now all set to sell solar energy, generated from its farms. The $530 billion company has always been aggressive about renewable energy. It has been looking for...
The Sunrun (RUN) stock has declined due to a weak outlook for FY’16 and the changes in the net metering law in Nevada. The company’s Q4’15 results were decent with less than expected losses and...