"Home" tag

5 Problems a Typical Home Buyer Faces

Buying a home is not as simple as it sounds. It needs a lot of homework and negotiation of mind and money to be done. If you are one of the buyers and planning to...


Is it the Right Time to Go for a Home Loan

The on-going economic uncertainties has made several aspiring home owners hesitant about taking a home loan and purchasing a home. A prominent question that baffles these home seekers is whether or not to rent out...


Buying a new home and the raining offers

The residential real estate market, especially for new homes, has been lackluster for the past couple of years. While there are many home buyers in the market looking for property, they are waiting for the...


If You Own a Home in Palo Alto, CA, Sell it Now

In Palo Alto, a small town of about 67,000 souls, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, about an hour south of San Francisco, in the middle of Silicon Valley, and part of the 9 million people...