"Loans" tag

Best mobile apps to get small business loans?

A business loan is a blessing for entrepreneurs looking to establish a new venture or expand an existing one. With the advancement of technology, availing a business loan has become quite a hassle-free process. Nowadays,...


The Only Supermarket App for all your financial needs – Finserv MARKETS

Digitization has played a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and convenience in the Banking and Finance sector. As a result of technological advancement, borrowers can avail credit products and insurance policies from the comfort of...


ECB Gets Serious about Non-Performing Loans

US businesses traditional relied on bond and equity markets to raise capital. When the crisis struck, the US acted early and quickly to re-open market functions before the banks were prepared to expand their lending....


This Toxic Trifecta for Auto Loans is Fueling #Carmageddon

Subprime Auto-Loan Backed Securities from 2015 on track to be Worst Ever. Institutional investors that manage other people’s money grabbed subprime auto-loan backed securities because of their slightly higher yields. These bonds are backed by...

sme series loan againts assets marketexpress-in

Understanding Loans against Assets

If you’ve ever run a business or closely seen someone running a business, you’ll know how much money you need to keep putting in regularly. The need for working capital money keeps arising now and...

Bank lending in the eurozone worsens again

The eurozone banks’ lending activities have slowed down even more, with private households and companies facing difficulties to take out loans. ECB counter-measures have so far failed to improve the situation. Bank lending to the...