Starting Monday, Germany’s blue-chip DAX index will include 10 more companies to become the DAX-40. Selection criteria have been decisively changed. The 10 newcomers — in the order of their market value — are Airbus,...
German engineering giant Siemens has posted promising first-quarter results despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The firm looks for more innovative power as the era of reformist CEO Joe Kaeser draws to an end. At a...
With the US and other countries throwing their weight behind Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate leader, time seems up for the Maduro government. But keeping the debt-ridden country afloat will prove a massive task. National...
The world swirls every day with news about two things-merger and acquisition. These days another smart restructuring tactic of competitors is – acquihire. The term seems quite innovative and new, though there is much more...
Brick-and-mortar retail meltdown strikes again – this time, Toys R Us. In what is a classic sign, the company has hired mega law firm Kirkland & Ellis, whose bankruptcy-and-restructuring practice is considered a leader in the now...
Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer has announced he’d step down as the company’s CEO within the next 12 months. He spoke of a deep restructuring of the firm that needed longer-term supervision and management. Steve Ballmer...