After the arrest of Telegram’s boss in France, attention is on the messaging app and its hands-off approach to content moderation. Some blame it for inflaming unrest, others see it as a den for criminal...
Cognitive dissonance as a concept intrigued me to the extent that I pursued my arduous research journey of 7 years on this topic. What is cognitive dissonance? According to Festinger (1957) cognitive dissonance theory states...
The things we express on social media through share, like or retweet, our own understanding on those issues is limited and sometimes we even don’t know anything about them. We don’t have any personal experience...
Today I was asked a question. “Given the speed with which negative and fake news spreads with social media, should we consider Facebook and other social media platforms as harmful and ban or control or...
Ireland’s privacy regulator has fined WhatsApp a record amount for breaking European Union data protection rules. It said the company had failed to give users transparency about how their data would be used. Ireland’s Data...
Are you planning to curate digital and social media campaigns to create brand awareness, enhance brand recall, generate leads and enhance customer experience without capturing the vast offline space? To put it simply- it is...
“Move fast and break things” is a famous Facebook corporate motto. The recent data breach scandal has certainly seen trust broken fast, especially among users. Will it leak into Facebook’s key revenue source? It is...
Germany’s federal cartel office has warned Facebook about exploiting user data, and mooted sanctions if the internet giant does not change methods. Facebook has a two-thirds market share among social networks in Germany. Germany’s federal...
When a cosmic event starts appearing in ad campaigns, you know it’s something big and on everyone’s mind. The total solar eclipse on August 21 has a cameo in an advert for Apple’s virtual assistant...
Very recently, Rajdeep Sardesai, one of India’s well-known television journalists, disabled his Twitter account. He cited “concerted campaign of lies and abuse on a daily basis” being the reason for his action. This raises the...
American philosopher Michael P. Lynch says the internet is high on fast facts but low on deeper knowledge and understanding. The age of big data – the “internet of us” – may fail us, if...
A supermarket owner in the western German town of Jüchen spontaneously offered his help when a bus with refugees arrived in the middle of the night. Firefighters, who were organizing the logistics for the refugees’...