Money is that which enables material transactions in life. Man has created a market place which enables the demand and supply of goods and services. From a purely utilitarian point of view money is the means of obtaining that which can be bought. Naturally, when we talk about money, we are talking about that which is bought (the Purchased) and the means (Money). For the Money and the Purchased to exist there is Cause that brings about the purchase. The Cause can be Need based or Want based. When the Cause if Need based normally it depends on Time, Place and/or Situation. For example, with the advent of monsoon I need an umbrella. When the Cause if Want based then although Time, Place and/or Situation can be a trigger, it is my desire that prompt me to act. For example, I may buy things which I may not need but I crave to have them because of my desire for them.
Money is a means, a tool that enables. It has nothing to do with how we got the money, what it is used for and what it represents. What is the meaning of money in life means different things for different people. To some it could be a means of survival, some comfort, others luxury and other an object of obsession in itself. Money unlike electricity which is also an enabler can bring about great effect on people and circumstances. It can be a source of gratitude, comfort, security or invoke greed. My response to money is a direct reflection of my own state of being – whether propelled by Need or Want. It is not the money that has the power in itself, it is our mind that is drawn, engaged, enamoured and trapped in its own fancy on account of making the money and all the objects of desire it represents.