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Peace and Justice Strong Institutions for Sustainable Development

, November 22, 2019, 0 Comments

sustainable-developmentThe UN’s vision is for Leadership Solutions for Sustainable Development (LSSD) centers around leadership, accountability, collaboration and efficiency. For UN to achieve its vision, it is imperative to take certain crucial steps as in enhancing knowledge and capability, skills across certain very expository areas like strategic collaboration, integrated analysis, foresight and risk management, vocalizing sustainable development goals and technical expertise on the emerging decisive issues.

There is no Plan B because we don’t have a planet B. We have to galvanize our action. -Ban Ki Moon

The LSSD’s action principles are Adapt, Collaborate, Transform. It precisely means to adapt to the sustainable development challenges by cultivating adaptive thinking to the constant changing environment. Collaborate “as one” and build upon an understanding to problems by curating knowledge to enhance leadership capacity. Transform to emphasize on to create positive change and scale solutions based on UN’s values and norms by connecting networks to redefine leadership and pave the path for sustainable development.

‘Peace is liberty in tranquility’- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Peace, given its interpretations in its basic sense means a state of calmness and oneness with the surroundings that has the ability to change the way we look at things, the tranquility that it brings with it, changes our perception or puts us in the right track or right mindset towards our life. Peace is one of those serene thoughts that can bring harmony within ourselves and in turn to the environment.

Peace in the more contemporary sense is more related to the freedom. Freedom to solve conflicts without violence, hostility. It means freedom to participate in the structuring of our political decisions to govern this world. It is a state where the government is accountable to the people and where there exists a proper distinction in authority, responsibility and accountability. A state of being where there is absolute freedom from fear, violence, though it is a very far fetched thought, but to progress towards it in itself will make people fearless in the process.

Armed violence and insecurity among the nations have a damaging impact on the country’s economic, political and social frontier.

For example, North Korea, one of the world’s most repressive countries. The government prohibits any kind of basic liberty, freedom of expression, religion and conscience. It prohibits the freedom of the press, political opposition. There is such a strong control that its regime is making people chained to atrocities like rape, extermination, murder, torture, forced labor, forced abortion. It has secret prison or concentration camps or asylum. Fear of collective punishment is used to silence the inferiors.

It is estimated that 87,000 women were killed intentionally in 2017. It is estimated that there are 650 million women and girls in the world today who were married before age 18.

‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’- Martin Luther King Jr.

Justice as an institution is the medium to execute or bring in social peace and righteousness in society. Diversity and equality in the society bring in more effective implementation of injustice in the society and paves a path for social well-being.

But justice in the broadest sense means getting equal rights in all walks of life. Getting equal share or rightful participation in the world affair. Right to be informed about one’s country laws is very critical and also one of the important tools of justice, people should rightfully participate in important social decisions of the state or economic decision of the state. Pressurizing or establishing control over the people would do no good. It would rather create insecurity in the minds of the people and also would lose faith or belongings towards one’s government.

Vidura in Mahabharata once said, intoxication with power is worse than drunkenness with liquor and such for who is drunk with power does not come to his senses before he falls.” This saying is like a warning to mend ways as it is never too late.

Like for instance, the Syrian civil war, which has been going on since 2011 and it is negative outcome is indirectly curbing Syrian people’s freedom and justice. It is really unfair to those people who have been victims of the war in which they did not have any role to play. And the fact that other country’s governments have also joined the war is somehow just unsettling for those people.

One of the theories propounded by Adam Smith, Individualistic Theory, which states that individual participation and individual freedom of a state should be there with minimum state functions. And the ethical argument that it raises which states that the state is considered as an entity for harmonious development of an individual, minimum state interference and maximum state cooperation. These theories should be actually adopted by the government for a peaceful and a just society. Where there is cooperation and not individualism, they’re all the fallacies that today people are facing, can be eliminated.

Sustainable Development formally defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development as “development that meets the needs of the people today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

When there is minimum conflicts and maximum of cooperation, this can form a strong foundation for achieving sustainable peace. A society where there exists freedom and righteousness and a just society would indirectly make no stone unturned of a peaceful society for the future. We all know that human wants are unlimited and resources are limited, so having peace and a just society would contribute to the sustainable development for the present as well as for the future. This will ensure that posterity will have a sound life.

To sum up, peace and justice would coordinate each other by curbing armed violence as a means of protest, rebel and a means to silence the dissent, reducing insecurity by bringing in more faith towards their government, to end conflicts and to bring in harmony, not discord, promoting right of law and to protect human rights and strengthening and motivating the participation of the countries in building strong institutions of global governance.

To reiterate in the words of the UN, “we must build a new world- a far better world, one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected.”