Teachers & Schools: Human in the world of machines

, January 27, 2020, 0 Comments

teachers-school-ai-machines-marketexpress-inMeaning of schooling is gradually changing. From Gurukul to the modern- day school there has been a lot of transition. The world is yet to see more changes, where teachers could possibly be replaced by artificial intelligence. The uproar of technology is gradually delving into the education system.

On one hand it is taking us away from nature and on the other it has put us into a number of possibilities  ‘Unimaginable’. Where do humans find themselves in that world? A question to be answered in the time to come. How sensible is it to leave schools which not only provide knowledge to children, but shapes their personality and imparts the right attitude to life in the hands of artificial intelligence? A teacher’s role is not limited to textbooks, new ideas, creativity or evaluation.

A teacher understands his/her students, encourages them, motivates them. They play the role of a parent, a doctor, a nurse when required. Teacher is one who takes care of their anger, their pain as well as sorrow. What if the children were to be left without teachers in a school ruled by artificial intelligence?

Let us not forget by doing so, we are leaving our children to be guided by a large number of codes bereaved of emotions. If humans are to remain humans, then the young minds need to be fostered with emotions of love and attachment. Although we are at a risk of a mechanized world, but we cannot rule out the fact that the unceasing energy of the machines will certainly come as a bounty.

The flaws in education left due to stress and boredom of the teachers can be overcome. Classrooms will become more interesting with overflowing information in an interesting way which can hold children’s attention for a longer span.

World’s tech giants such as Alibaba, Amazon, Alphabet, Apple use Artificial intelligence to predict what customers might want to buy, making phone calls and schedule appointments, to collect data about each person’s buying habits and so we can expect Artificial Intelligence to take care of students with different levels of intelligence.

Perhaps the next generation of children with learning disabilities will have a better future to see. Nevertheless, a touch of empathy during the teaching – learning process will always be required. A machine will in no way replace a human in this way.

It is time we give it a thought about what we want our children to be. Machines? We should then be ready to accept a forsaken old age, a deserted home, an inconsolable upbringing. Accession of Artificial Intelligence into education is imminent.

In the light of its ingress and the benefaction that it may endow on us the world should be ready to welcome it, but should consider the role of the teacher as a facilitator, a person with immense empathy and benevolence.