Age of three; sometimes even less, toddlers totter in uniform, with water bottles dangling around their necks, a triangular piece of handkerchief hanging from a safety pin on the uniform, walking along merrily holding onto...
Schooling for Indian children begin before they reach the age of three, when the child’s only identity is still, just his or her name. Little do they know that the sound of their names that they like...
This prodigious attribute of human nature to be able to cope up with the uncertainties and not repudiating transitions elucidates the human existence for more than six million years. Humanity has survived several epidemics and...
The endless worry, to which the human civilization has fallen prey and which has enslaved homo sapiens through generations has transuded into the somatic system as if it were destiny. Fretting over oodles has become...
To watch a child grow is the most fascinating experience which transcends all joy for parents bringing up one. From infancy to childhood, the formative years of a human child is not only an ecstatic...
The world clamoured in shock and in pain as the viscous face of the virus barged in. A deadly infection surged across towns, cities, villages big and small. A virus which emerged from Wuhan had...
The 21st century children, perhaps have an incredible power to learn. They attend school music classes, painting classes, chess classes and so on. They participate in quizzes, debates, sports and much more. As early as...
Meaning of schooling is gradually changing. From Gurukul to the modern- day school there has been a lot of transition. The world is yet to see more changes, where teachers could possibly be replaced by...