"Modi" tag

Impact of Demonetization

A week back government came with the sudden announcement that Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes will cease to be legal tender. The government also provided various alternatives for the public to convert their defunct...


Aadhaar: Direct cash transfers

When the AADHAAR scheme was introduced by UPA the BJP was against it. Today the Prime Minister is a strong advocate of the scheme. The UPA Government had the foresight to visualize the benefits of...


Patent Box – Made in India

In a bid to encourage more companies retain and commercialise their patents in India, the Finance Act, 2016 includes a new scheme of taxation for incomes from patents.   We are discussing  the proposed “patent...


How to market India

“One must care about a world one will never see,” said Mahatma Gandhi according to prime minister Narendra Modi: that is how he began his speech to the general assembly of the United Nations. Well,...


India cuts red tape to boost foreign investment

Foreign companies looking to do business in India may soon find their chances of success greatly improved. In a bid to boost growth, India´s government has announced plans to ease overseas investment regulations. India is...


Why India and Germany need each other

On Tuesday morning, the machines at Bosch’s factory hall in the Indian city of Bangalore were quiet “for safety reasons and to better understand what we say,” said the company’s tour moderator in his cordless...

Modi 365 one year MarketExpress-in

One year of Modi Sarkar

One year back Narendra Modi came to power in India with the overwhelming support of the media and the corporate sector. These two elements continue to extend its support to the government though the former...

Modi Merkel MarketExpress-in

An outside view of Modi – by Dr Ashok V Desai

Most Indians have a fixed view of Modi – generally an extreme one, whether favourable or unfavourable. None of us gives him a second thought: either he is a god fit for a temple, or...

modi europe visit marketexpress

Business as usual? India’s Modi in Europe and Canada

Aiming to boost trade and promote his “Make in India” campaign, Indian PM Narendra Modi is visiting France, Germany and Canada between April 9-16. DW examines the German leg of his tour and the state...

planning commission niti aayog-MarketExpress-in

Planning commission to Niti Aayog

The Planning Commission has been abolished and in its place the NITI Aayog has been created. Most observers see this only as a cosmetic change where a new title has been given to an old...

PMJDY indian banks pm MarketExpress-in

How much of an onus is PMJDY on Indian Banks?

On 28th August 2014, the government launched Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). The objective is to achieve financial inclusion. The initiative, spearheaded by Prime Minister’s office, has a target to open 100 million bank accounts by...

modinomics development MarketExpress-in

Will ‘Modinomics’ help boost India’s development?

In a bid to transform India’s economy, PM Narendra Modi has pledged unlimited reforms at a summit in Gujarat. DW speaks to economist Rajiv Biswas about the likelihood of “Modinomics” succeeding across India. Speaking at...