"strategies" tag

Emotional Intelligence: Collaboration is Key for Startup Founders Success

What is emotional intelligence? It’s the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. While we may aspire to understand and manage everything perfectly, in reality, the...


Viral Marketing Strategies and its advantages for Business

Marketing is an art of appealing to the subconscious, a skill when mastered, unveils the way to success with remarkable ease. The orchestration of marketing involves a multitude of considerations when presenting a product to...


The Management Framework: VMOSA for Organizational Planning Process

For any idea to move from the seed to a business, vision, mission and strategy has to be in place. VMOSA (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Action Plans) is a planning process to define them...


Corporate strategies that keep Indian companies bullish in the face of global recession

The signs of a global economic downturn can be observed in historically high inflation in many global markets, fueling recessionary fears. The Russo-Ukrainian war and aggressive interest rate hikes to curtail inflation have resulted in...


Thinking Trading

I was having a conversation recently with a friend of mine and we were talking about money and wealth and why some people obtain it and others (most) do not. My friend asked me “What...