The world clamoured in shock and in pain as the viscous face of the virus barged in. A deadly infection surged across towns, cities, villages big and small. A virus which emerged from Wuhan had...
Stress influences us in many ways. It disturbs our sleep, affects our mood and can make us sick. But more seriously it also seems to damage our brain, according to a new study. We all...
Most organisations usually have work hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. But for the average worker, a typical workday usually extends beyond these hours. Some jobs in global organisations require staff to service their...
It is often said that only a healthy body can be the seat of a healthy mind. But the vice versa is equally true. A healthy mind is extremely important to keep the body healthy....
Prior to joining one of the big 4, I was always of the opinion that “work life balance” was nothing more than a myth. A fancy term made up by people working in the corporate...
There is no escaping ‘stress’ today. Stress comes from all areas of life…work, home, relationships, loan companies, traffic jams and the list goes on…!!! The ill effects of bad stress are known to all. Being...
These days we often hear the word ‘stress’ in all walks of life …media, medicine, books… A lot of companies have flourished developing stress management tools. Stress at the workplace is experienced by many and...