Five tips for the professional: PowerPoint presentations

, June 21, 2013, 0 Comments

The ubiquitous influence of PowerPoint presentations at our workplaces cannot be ignored. It is there everywhere! PowerPoint presentations can be found at corporate organizations, in university lecture halls and at medical conferences.

There are many books and tips on ‘How to design a PowerPoint Presentation’ available on the internet, bookshops and there are even learning courses. So, this article will not offer tips on how to design or build a slide pack including details on font size and slide transitions but I offer tips on how to avoid ‘Death by PowerPoint’

1- Use a PowerPoint slide pack if you must but try to contain it between 7-10 slides

2- We have all enjoyed stories as a child. Stories enthrall and help in retention and recollection. So, make your presentation engaging through stories

3- Use minimum words on a slide. If you want your audience to read it then why not distribute printed copies or via an email (eco friendly version) instead?!

4- Learn from great presenters like Steve Jobs. Talk to your audience by using a few words on the slide as a memory jogger. The story has to come from you – “the presenter”

5- Know your audience – if you are presenting to senior executives you may need numbers more than stories.

And if you don’t remember any of the above in detail….remember the key to a great presentation is to ENGAGE with your audience!