India ushered in power sector reforms, with enactment of Electricity Act 2003. After more than two decades, reliability of power in India remains elusive. A large number of State Electricity Boards (SEBs) are running losses. The debilitating losses of SEBs have its roots in the inappropriate pricing policies of electricity supply. There exists huge cross subsidization with industrial consumers paying way above their cost of supply. Power for all by 2012 has remained elusive. Various reforms have failed to arrest the transmission and distribution losses.
What all we can learn – best practices from Nordic markets and the world over to develop India’s infrastructure.
The Nordic countries, (Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway) comprising of the Nord Pool (the pioneer international power exchange in the world) have played an exemplary role in improving the power situation in these countries. It combines a rich portfolio mix of thermal, nuclear, hydro and renewable energy. By harnessing power from different sources, countries benefit from lower prices through a cost optimizing rebalancing of hydel, thermal and nuclear power. The Indian Energy Exchange has been set up on the Nordic model. This exchange deals in electricity contracts and creates price discovery for short term power markets, which hitherto was absent. Like Nordic markets if cross border electricity trading is facilitated, India too would play an eminent role as a regional power exchange in South Asia
Importance of Cold Chain in Indian Food Industry is exaggerated or is it the need of the hour?
India is a favorable destination for growth in the food industry, the Indian Food industry is expected to reach $258 billion from the current level of $181billon. However, one of the key impediments has been an inadequate cold chain supply for food. These cold chains are vital, for food requires temperature controlled conditions to retain quality, safety and avoid wastages. Proper Cold Chain management will lead to optimization of product quality and minimization of food losses.
The changing dashboard of sustainable economic and political development of India
The political landscape of India is fast changing. Indian economy needs to leap frog and rediscover higher growth trajectories. These growth trajectories have to be treaded without compromising sustainability. A greener planet requires cleaner and greener technology, which is efficient as well as sustainable. Such economy requires robust markets and infrastructure.
P V Rajeev is an economist by profession and retired from the Government of India in 2012 as Economic Adviser after having served in the government for 32 years.
Sarika Rachuri is a faculty in Economics with IBS, Mumbai. She has 16 years of varied experience in academics, research, training and consultancy.
Anju Bharti is presently working as an Assistant Professor at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi and has an experience of 9 years in teaching.
The book was released by Prof. Y. K. Bhushan, Senior Advisor & Campus Head of IBS Business School, Mumbai, and Mr. D. S. Kolamkar, retired as a Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs in the Government of India.
Venue: IBS Business School, Mumbai.
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