From Ghana to Namibia, recent appointments of women to top political positions have been encouraging. But with more women in significant roles, are African nations really boosting female political representation? With Ghanaian Vice President Jane Naana...
Europe’s Nordic countries are popular for sustainable cryptomining because electricity there is cheap and mainly comes from renewable sources. But other industries also want to take advantage of this green energy. Bitcoin is a real...
The New India needs no coal. The Indian power industry saw a massive paradigm change over the last few years with renewable energy, particularly solar energy dominating the discourse around new generation. While King Coal...
In a bid to bolster the electricity generation capacity of the energy-poor nation, the government is looking to build several coal-fired plants in the coming years. But activists oppose them citing environmental risks. The plan...
Miles to cover for the power sector in India, Could you elaborate on this? India ushered in power sector reforms, with enactment of Electricity Act 2003. After more than two decades, reliability of power in India...
India’s energy demand far outstrips its generation capacity leading to power outages. The government has to tackle this if it wants to achieve its aim of turning the country into a manufacturing powerhouse, say experts....
The less said about India’s power administration structure the better. The country has already earned the in-dubious distinction of hosting the biggest blackout in the country, as hungry states overdrew power from the grid. The power generation sector...
Budgets are a complex Prisoner’s Dilemma[1] problem where hidden expectation of the government and the citizen decide whether or not the outcome would be a good equilibrium where everyone gains or a bad equilibrium where...