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"agriculture" tag

Why are young Japanese moving away from agriculture sector?

Young people are lured to the cities with the promise of more money and entertainment. This in turn leaves traditional farms short of workers — and Japan potentially short of food. Keiko Ishii admits to...


Can ASEAN benefit from the EU’s green agriculture push?

The EU wants to champion “green agriculture” in Southeast Asia. But limited trade relations, regulatory nightmares and distrust could stymie it. As manufacturing and tourism collapsed in the three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, several Southeast Asian governments...


How war is changing Ukrainian farmers’ crops

The war in Ukraine has made wheat farming and export difficult. So local farmers are turning to oil-producing plants instead. The government plans to build an innovative pipeline into Poland to help them. In seven...


Colombia’s new left-leaning president has big economic plans

Colombia’s president-elect Gustavo Petro will take up his office on August 7th. He is trying to bring together a coalition of politicians to make sure he can get through his economic, tax and land reforms....


Cheap Asian workers flock to Portugal’s farms

Farm laborers from Asia flock to the European country known for its booming agricultural exports. The workers are often brought by gangs of traffickers and are forced to endure inhumane living conditions.  They look like...


Role of Foreign Direct Investment in the growth of agriculture sector

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been shown to play an important role in promoting economic growth, raising a country’s technological level, and creating new employment in developing countries (Chaudhary, 2016). In the current scenario, when many countries are...


India-China Agri-Trade Relationship – Where are we heading?

Global trade uncertainty as COVID-19 pandemic upends the global economy can lead to painful consequences across all sectors. As per the World Trade Organisation (WTO), global trade is expected to fall by between 13% and...


Czech self-sufficiency push questioned

Czechs risk a banana-free diet, lower food quality and higher prices if a bill making its way through parliament is passed, say critics. The winners would be large, politically-linked farming groups.  The controversial amendment to...


Can agriculture exports lead to farm income growth?

The topmost agenda and the much-needed attention from the Government today is addressing the farmers’ needs. In the recent years, crop failures, indebtedness, non-remunerative prices and low returns had taken, unpleasant shapes leading to protests...


Commentary & Views: A Populist budget

Nirmala Sitharaman, FM presented all-encompassing budget covering almost all sectors – infra, agriculture, education, health care, skill development etc. The full-time budget of Modi V2 Government was riding high on people’s and industry’s expectations. Sops...


India v/s Developed countries- India’s conundrum and stance on agriculture subsidy

India is primarily and widely known as an agrarian economy where the mainstay of a large chunk of the people is agriculture. More than 50% of the population either depends directly or indirectly on agriculture....

miang tea

Wild miang tea could help save Thailand’s forests

Miang tea trees, the forerunner of plantation tea, grow wild in Thailand’s forests. Now, eco-friendly businesses are using the tree’s leaves to strive for the perfect cup of tea and foster biodiversity at the same...