
Power and Prospect of Higher Education with the Prism of Budget 2020.

Seeing the power of education and human capital in this VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) world, honourable Finance Minister (FM) Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman has allocated INR 99,311.52 crore for the financial year 2021 (FY21) which...


Learning over Competing

To watch a child grow is the most fascinating experience which transcends all joy for parents bringing up one. From infancy to childhood, the formative years of a human child is not only an ecstatic...


Money Hurdles or Mind Hurdles?

-As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession. Right now, we are collectively facing a global recession. The situation started last year when the complicated American Repo...


Covid-19: Crisis today and coping with children

The world clamoured in shock and in pain as the viscous face of the virus barged in. A deadly infection surged across towns, cities, villages big and small. A virus which emerged from Wuhan had...


Income Sharing Agreement In Higher Education System of India

Seeing the intense socioeconomic skewness in the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in India’s higher education system, the obfuscation between inclusion and excellence has become a very challenging and the mammoth task in this VUCA (Volatility,...


Education 2.0 : Calling of Youth

The 21st century children, perhaps have an incredible power to learn. They attend school music classes, painting classes, chess classes and so on. They participate in quizzes, debates, sports and much more. As early as...


Analysis of HDI 2019 – An Index for Enlarging People’s Choices

The constructive voices for viewing the development of human being beyond the prism of income is as old as the birth of GDP. It was the year 1990 when an index, popularly called Human Development...


Thinking Trading

I was having a conversation recently with a friend of mine and we were talking about money and wealth and why some people obtain it and others (most) do not. My friend asked me “What...


Achieving financial goals through mutual funds

Mutual funds are one of the leading market-linked investment instruments that can help you create wealth. To meet any unique financial goal you can consider investing in different types of mutual funds. Whether you are...


Sovereign Overseas Bonds & Finance Ministry’s Decision: Impact Adaptability Solution

India’s Gross Government Debt as a Percentage of GDP lies between 61-68 Percent till 2019-2023, unless some drastic measures. (IMF Forecasts, 2018-19), which is comparable to China and lower than Advance Countries Projections of Government Debt to GDP.In such...


Actual Monetary Transmission Mechanism in India: Impact Analysis

The Money Supply in the Country is impacted by several Interest Rates existing in the country. In this article we are exploring various terms and trying to understand what it means in the context of ...


System Liquidity & Projections

In mid-March this year RBI announced a liquidity injection tool in the shape of forex swap. The unusual step was taken to ease the right overnight liquidity in the economy. It’s well known that OMO...